Thursday, December 10, 2015

Proposal To Ban Muslims: "That's not who we are!" IT IS EXACTLY WHO WE ARE!

We live in a World today where TRUTHS are mocked and denigrated, and LIES are celebrated.


The "silent majority" has a new voice...and it's name is Donald Trump.

Donald Trump’s proposal to bar [TEMPORARILY] Muslims from entering the United States has been repudiated by Democrats and Republicans alike. With most on both sides of the aisle suggesting that it has little chance of becoming U.S. law.

Mainstream media has acted as if the nation had come under terrorist attack with its round-the-clock, breaking-news coverage of Trump’s proposal, rife with countless references to Hitler, racism, and cries that his proposal is "unconstitutional".

Unconstitutional? Last I heard, the liberal mainstream media wanted the US Constitution torched for being "too old and outdated". Funny that they should want to embrace this tired warhorse when it suits their agenda.

I am sickened, and quite frankly enraged by the mainstream media's, the Democrat's, and the establishment Republican's incessant "moral superiority". Aren't you tired of being told what to think, what you can say, and generally lied to on a daily basis by this Axis of Political Correctness?

People without real arguments call anything they don’t like “racist” or “unconstitutional.”

Donald Trump's proposal is neither racist OR unconstitutional.

Why is Donald Trump's proposal with regards to Muslims entering the US so controversial? Is it because The Donald said them, or is it because the proposal itself is deemed so "outrageous" by the Axis of Political Correctness, and the sycophants that support said Axis?

Listen up peeps: No one now living outside the U.S. has any U.S. constitutional rights. THAT IS A FACT. That may sound simple, but the Axis of Political Correctness is repeatedly saying it's unconstitutional to refuse entry to Muslims. NO ONE presently living outside the U.S. has a "constitutional right". You don't get constitutional rights until you're here, AND A CITIZEN. You can't violate someone's constitutional rights when they don't have any. Is that clear?

Despite what the Axis of Political Correctness would have you believe. Our country has absolute authority to decide who gets to immigrate here. Sorry, the rest of the world does not have any constitutionally guaranteed civil right to move here. Period. YOU ARE BEING LIED TO.

This absolute authority, IS THE LAW OF THE LAND.

This law is on the books as The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952. This Act restricted immigration into the U.S. and is codified under Title 8 of the United States Code (8 U.S.C. ch. 12). This Act governs primarily immigration to and citizenship in the United States. It has been in effect since December 24, 1952.

You can read the text of this LAW by clicking here

The Axis of Political Correctness may not like the law, they may refuse to recognize the law, and they may claim the law is unconstitutional. BUT IT IS THE LAW!

Ironically, this LAW was passed by a Democrat-controlled Congress, House and Senate, and signed by a Democrat president.

Ironically, this LAW was used by Democratic President Jimmy Carter in 1979 to keep Iranians out of the United States during the Iranian Hostage Crisis.

Trump's "Nutty" Proposal Is Already the Law of the Land -- and Was Used by Jimmy Carter During the Hostage Crisis

December 09, 2015 - Rush Limbaugh, on the EIB Radio Network

"Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by president. Whenever the president finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, the president may, by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or non-immigrants or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate."

Over here, everybody in the establishment in the political class, Republican, Democrat, media, you name it, is all claiming that what Trump said is dumb, stupid, reckless, dangerous, unconstitutional, while it is the law of the land.

There is precedent for everything Donald Trump has said he wants to do. And if you listen to the wizards of smart in this country and our political establishment, you will think that this stuff is just unheard of, it's almost unspeakable, it's just indecent. Here we have in the establishment the reputed best and brightest, the smartest. We're not even qualified to be in their company no less. And they're dunces on this.

This law was passed in 1952. Do you know what was going on in 1952, among other things? There was no immigration in 1952. It was shut down. Immigration was shut down 1924 to 1965. And why did we have this? What was the need for this in 1952? Oh, yeah, we had rampant illegal immigration. I'm talking about we suspended legal immigration from 1924 to 1965, but we were being overrun in 1952 like we always are. We're the last great hope of the world. That law was written to allow the president to keep undesirables out and to kick undesirables out. There's no mystery.

A couple of weeks ago Obama went on TV, as he is wont to do, and said (imitating Obama), "We do not have a religious test for people entering our country. It doesn't matter what they believe. We have freedom of religion in this country, whatever amendments since then. And it's the law, it's our law, and we cannot ask people about their religion, and we certainly cannot use what they say as a reason to keep --" And I was forced to remind everybody that not only can we, we must, because it is also American statutory law. We must ask immigrants seeking asylum what their religious beliefs are. We have done it. We continue to do it. Here's why.

The primary reason most refugees give for seeking asylum is that they are fleeing religious persecution in whatever war torn place they're coming from. During the interview process, it is required that we investigate that. "What religion are you?" we ask. They must tell us. Based on what they tell us, we then examine whether or not there is indeed persecution of that religious belief in the place where the immigrant, the refugee, is coming from. We dealt with this a couple of weeks ago. Obama said you could never have a religious test for refugees, and we showed that a religious test is actually written into the statutes that govern refugees and asylum.

You know, the thing is here, folks, whether we're talking about the hard left or the progressive left or these RINO type Republicans and the commentariat, these people are actually making up a new Constitution and body of law as they go along based on how they feel. So Trump comes along, they do not know about this law. They obviously don't know it or they wouldn't be making fools of themselves saying what they're saying. They don't know the law exists. Trump proposes that we put a moratorium on Muslims entering the country, and they just have a conniption fit and they talk about how it's violating the Constitution and it makes a mockery of our system and it makes a mockery of our values and this is not who we are. They're just telling us how they feel, but they are certainly not knowledgeable of the Constitution. They're making it up.

Tom Brokaw is one of many out there claiming what Trump wants to do so is unconstitutional, it's in violation of United States law, it would never stand up in court. He doesn't know what he's talking about, but he certainly is letting us know how he feels about it and making up his own law and his own Constitution as he goes, as they are all doing.

So as a result the last thing that they want anybody to do is actually look at what the law of the United States is. And they certainly don't want us looking at the history of this country because they certainly do not want us finding any precedent for anything that, in this case, Trump has suggested. So now we have the soap opera, the daily soap opera that is the narrative of the day written by the media in Washington, and we've got the same thing about history.

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Barack Obama has been ignoring the laws of our nation since his inauguration in January 2009. He has been rewriting our nations history with his lies about "who we are" as a nation throughout all his years in office as well. His minions in the mainstream media have given him a pass on his lawlessness and attempts at revisionist history. It is time for this BULL SHIT to end.

Donald Trump is pulling back the curtain on the fraud that has become our federal government. He is exposing for anyone who dares look that "political correctness" is a dangerous scourge upon our nation.

It is easier to believe a lie that one has heard a thousand times than to believe a fact that no one has heard before.

Barack Obama has told us a thousand times, "This is not who we are." And each time he has said this, he has lied. This IS who we are, and it is who we must be.

If only this fraud that sits in OUR White House would have consented to using the term "Radical Islam" to identify the likes of ISIS, this entire national discussion could have been avoided. Because he has refused to say the obvious, to say THE TRUTH, and call the enemy what they are and represent, "RADICAL ISLAM", Americans have been given no other choice but to identify all of Islam as a threat to our nation. ...until proven otherwise.

Political correctness be damned.


The GOP Establishment Is In For A Shock Over Trump’s Muslim Moratorium

It may come as a surprise to some, but the world has not stopped turning after Donald Trump issued his most incendiary proposal yet on Monday.

The Republican front-runner proclaimed that the only proper course for America to take in the wake of the San Bernardino attack was to bar further Muslim immigration into the country until “we know what the hell is going on.”

The reaction, from all corners of the political sphere, was hyperbolic. Liberals took the hyperventilation up to 11 and officially decided that Trump literally is the second coming of Adolf Hitler. That response was probably not too shocking considering how the Left has treated The Donald’s candidacy so far.

What’s more surprising is the equally-intense reaction from Republican leaders to the latest Trump controversy. Despite being one of the few Republicans to respond to American fears about mass Muslim immigration with an actual plan, the whole topic is beyond the pale according to GOP elites.

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Trump Polling Lead Surges After Anti-Muslim Comments

The genius of Trump is that he’s been remarkably adept at making voters question whether what he says is actually crazy or just sounds that way because Americans have been conditioned to recoil at anything that breaks decorum or sounds like it might not be “PC.” And that plays right into his message. He makes you wonder if it’s you that’s the crazy one. Perhaps you’ve been put in a stupor by years of watered down stump speeches and Trump is just speaking plainly and saying what everyone knows is true but is too scared to say in public. If that’s true, he’s a kind of nationalistic Morpheus trying to pull you out of a dangerous, misplaced multiculturalism Matrix. Or at least that’s what he wants you to think. It could be that he is exactly what his detractors say he is: a demagogue that’s stark raving mad. 

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Poll: Two-Thirds Of GOP Primary Voters Back Trump’s Muslim Immigration Proposal

Nearly two-thirds of Republican primary voters back Donald Trump’s proposed moratorium on Muslim immigrants, claims a new poll.

According to Bloomberg, the poll — which has a 4-percent margin of error — shows an astounding 65 percent of Republicans agreed with Trump following his initial proclamation. After hearing detailed arguments from the opposition, 64 percent of the voters still agreed with the real estate mogul, suggesting “despite some conventional wisdom expressed in the last 48 hours, [the proposal] is unlikely to hurt Trump at least in the primary campaign.”

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December 10th – Even after being blasted for days by the media and politicians of both parties, Trump’s poll numbers are rising. Not surprising considering the results of this new yougov poll that asks the following question: Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the Islamic religion? 1) GOP: 11% favorable, 75% unfavorable 2) Indies: 15% favorable, 58% unfavorable and even 3) Dems: 27% favorable, 45% unfavorable If American Muslims ever wish to improve these numbers they could start by canning the Muslim Brotherhood associated CAIR to be their spokespeople! When immigrants become U.S. citizens included in their oath of allegiance are the following words: “I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic;” This is not rocket science, immigrants (no matter their religion) either honor this oath or they don’t. If they don’t they forfeit any right to be American citizens!
Paula Priesse, via Facebook

In Face of Controversy, Trump Supporters Stand By Their Man

For this group, there is virtually no second-choice candidate. Even their feelings for Texas senator Ted Cruz, who has intentionally maintained a friendly relationship with Trump in an attempt to cozy up to his voters, bordered just above apathy. Were Trump to leave the Republican party, his supporters said almost unanimously, they would follow.

“The establishment just died,” Luntz declared.

“Good!” shouted one man.

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