"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics".
-- Mark Twain
And then there are the lies of Barack Hussein Obama II, the 44th and current President Of The United States.
Dan from Squirrel Hills Blog says this about President Obama:
Dan from Squirrel Hills Blog says this about President Obama:
Every President, every politician, and every human being tells lies and engages in acts of hypocrisy. But Barack Obama does these things to a far greater degree than anyone else that I have ever known of. His campaign promises were so much better sounding than anyone else’s – no lobbyists in his administration, waiting five days before signing all non-emergency bills so people would have time to read them, putting health care negotiations on C-SPAN, reading every bill line by line to make sure money isn’t being wasted, prosecution of Wall St. criminals, ending raids against medical marijuana in states where it’s legal, high levels of transparency. Obama’s promises of these wonderful things sounded inspiring and sincere. They sounded so much better than the promises of any other President. So when Obama broke these promises, it felt so much worse than when other Presidents broke their promises.Dan then submits a well sourced list of 365 examples of the President's lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc. in his blog. You can see the entire list here:
The President is so desperate to keep the TRUTH from us, that he has now demanded that you stop paying attention to bloggers like Dan and myself:
Obama: "Stop Focusing On The Bloggers"
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/17/2013
"Now that the government has reopened and this threat to our economy is removed, all of us need to stop focusing on the lobbyists, and the bloggers, and the talking heads on radio and the professional activists who profit from conflict, and focus on what the majority of Americans sent us here to do, and that’s grow this economy, create good jobs, strengthen the middle class, educate our kids, lay the foundation for broad-based prosperity and get our fiscal house in order for the long haul." --President Obama 10/17/13Watch him say it at 5:40 on the video:
How unfortunate for the President that NONE of his policies "grow this economy, create good jobs, strengthen the middle class, educate our kids, lay the foundation for broad-based prosperity..." Those damn bloggers and their calculators... This President hates the TRUTH so much that he actually has the nerve to ask you to dismiss the TRUTH and those that speak it, and embrace his word and his LIES instead.
A leader who blames my freedom of speech for his failure to govern. Imagine that.
Today we are going to focus solely on one of this president's BIGGEST LIES...The Affordable Care Act. Also know as, Obamacare. Or simply The Big Lie.
Today the President stood before a "hand picked" group Obamacare supporters and offered an update on
You can subject yourself to the President's Healthcare.gov update below. Pay particular attention to the "letters" he reads from "satisfied" Obamacare customers, and ask youself, "Did real people write these letters?"
Some Observations Of A Produce Clerk:
Why did the lady from Delaware have to read "her Obamacare story"...if this was really "her story" wouldn't she just be able tell it to us, instead of reading it to us?
How did she save $150 on her healthcare costs when she just said she could NOT get insurance previously? If she wasn't paying for any health insurance, how did she save $150 a month with Obamacare?
Thousands of people are signing up and saving money? Really Mr. President, the entire country is aware that "thousands of people have signed up" is a bit more than a stretch...probably more than a reach too...it's a LIE. And "saving money"? You're joking right? It's pretty common knowledge to ANYBODY that has made it though to the end on Healthcare.gov that their insurance premiums are not only going to rise, they are probably going to sky rocket.
Did anybody here the President mention "deductibles"? No? I didn't either...
Why does he keep saying it's "affordable"? Does the President even know the definition of affordable? Or is Obamacare affordable just because, well, because the President says it is?
Why does he tell everyone about the "benefits" of the Affordable Care Act for those who already have health insurance, but fail to mention how much our insurance premiums have risen, even though the President promised us they wouldn't? In fact he said our premiums would fall when this law was passed.
Is there somebody holding up an applause sign off to the side?
Why does he say that people who cannot afford healthcare insurance can afford it if they use Healthcare.gov to shop for it? Does that make any sense at all? They can't afford it without the website, but with it they can? That's like saying I can't afford to eat at Red Lobster, but if I go inside I can. Really?
Tax credits? You mean subsidies, right Mr. President? And if you make more than 4 times the poverty level, you get no subsidy...that if you make over $30,0000 a year, you are going to be paying higher insurance premiums to pay for those that can't afford healthcare with or without the Healtcare.gov. Shhhh, I'm not supposed to tell you that. Oh, I'm sorry Barack...guess the cats out of the bag now.
Get healthcare coverage for less than $100 a month? Yeah right. But hey, the President himself said so...so it must be true.
The website has been visited 20 million times, so far, according to the President. Mr. President, was that 20 million individual visits, or was that 1 million individuals trying to get into the website 20 times each? The President said it was 20 million visits, so it must truly be 20 million.
He's bombing the audience with statistics...what does that tell you? He's making it all up.
And EVERYBODY is saving money!
OK, I have to stop now, I'm getting sick...and he's about to start reading the phony love letters from Obamacare recipients.
The point I want to make, is that the President stood up in front of a canned audience today to do what he does best...make excuse for HIS failures....and LIE.
What, you don't believe me?
I know you do, but just to support my assertion that the President [and his administration] is a pathological liar, I will share with you what others are saying about the Affordable Care Act, AND the President.
At the White House: Obamacare success stories that aren't
In the days since the problems with the Obamacare website became too large to ignore, defenders of the administration cited the many people they said have already benefited from the new exchanges, as well as from the law as a whole. Presumably, the White House had many success stories to choose from in deciding who would stand behind the president at Monday's event. But some of the successes they chose don't seem to be successes at all.
By Tami Luhby @Luhby October 21, 2013: 10:28 AM ET
Many people are still having trouble signing onto healthcare.gov, the federal exchange that's handling enrollment for 36 states. While the site no longer leaves applicants hanging with a hold screen, many are still receiving error messages when they try to log in.
Maura Grady of Florida told CNNMoney last week that the federal site was still giving her trouble. It was not accepting her username and password. When she clicked on the Forgot Password button, she was told she'd receive an email with reset instructions. But she didn't.
Asked whether she'd try again, she responded: "2, maybe 3 years! When I'm in the mood for some aggravation."
By Megan McArdle Oct 21, 2013 5:20 PM ET
The exchanges were also broadly understood to be needed to get young, healthy people into the system. Somewhat naturally, almost every story you’ve seen about a new enrollee -- including those told by the president this morning -- has focused on someone who couldn’t buy insurance before, or who had very expensive insurance. But it’s not surprising that those people are fighting through the system to get coverage; they would pull themselves to the top of Mount Rushmore using only their teeth if that’s what it took to get a cheap insurance policy. What we need to know is what is happening among the people who didn’t need Obamacare to help them buy insurance, because insurers would be perfectly happy to sell them a policy without it. Those are the folks whose premiums will cover treatment for the rest.
Even an administration that refuses to answer questions can’t keep the facts hidden forever.
By John Fund OCTOBER 21, 2013
Well, for starters, a lot of people would like to know how the federal government showered $634 million on a host of IT contractors to build HealthCare.gov, a website that has had the worst debut of any product since New Coke. The site is supposed to provide a menu of insurance plans for Americans in the 36 states without their own site. Instead, it has become a black box — the few applications insurance companies have managed to receive from it are glitch-filled and error-riddled, the insurers say.
President Obama and Secretary of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius have both said that the problems were caused by the site’s popularity — the system was overloaded by too many users eager to sign up. But in the two weeks following its October 1 launch, the number of visitors to HealthCare.gov dropped by 88 percent, based on the findings of the Millward Brown Digital research firm. The site has been taken down at least twice for “fixes.”
The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think
By Marc A. Thiessen, Published: October 14It appears virtually no one is buying Obamacare. While administration officials brag about how many visitors the site is getting, they refuse to divulge how many people actually signed up. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius was asked that directly by Jon Stewart on “The Daily Show.” “Fully enrolled?” Sebelius stuttered. “I can’t tell you. Because I don’t know.” That is a frightening admission of incompetence. If the Obama administration can’t even track how many people signed up, how on earth is it going to verify whether those people are eligible for subsidies? How will it protect against fraud?
by BEN SASSE 15 Oct 2013
Extremely personal information has already leaked from the system in Minnesota. Software security experts from McAfee predict millions of identity theft victims. And one of the healthcare exchanges was forced to acknowledge that information collected from patients will be shared with law enforcement.
Tom Bevan at RealClearPolitics wondered why Kathleen Sebelius still has a job. Jon Stewart invited her onto The Daily Show and mocked that he could “download every movie ever made” before she could log onto her own website. Her home state senator called for her to resign for "gross incompetence," as exactly “zero” residents of Kansas were able to successfully enroll in the program.
The rollout has been such a nightmare that it is abundantly clear now that members of Congress really did not, as then-Speaker Pelosi admitted, even read the Obamacare bill before they passed it. In fact, the program's launch has been such an unimaginable disaster that it raises an alarming new question that would have been unthinkable amid the exaggerated claims of health utopia from three years ago: Did President Obama even read this legislation before he signed it into law?
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